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PEAR Academy Australia’s CEO Spearheads an Informative Session on Mastering OET English Proficiency for Health Professionals in Pune”

Maharashtra 14 News, (Date 25 Nov.) : PEAR Academy Australia recently conducted a highly anticipated information session at DY Patil Nursing College in Pune, which saw an impressive turnout of faculties and final-year students from medical and paramedical disciplines. The highlight of the event was the presence of the CEO of PEAR Academy, Mrs Daljit Rao who flew in from Australia specifically for this occasion.

Held on the 23rd of November, the session focused on providing strategies and insights for succeeding in English language proficiency tests such as OET (Occupational English Test), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), and PTE (Pearson Test of English). These tests are crucial for medical professionals aspiring to pursue opportunities on a global scale.

The CEO, in her address to the attendees, emphasized the importance of English language proficiency in the healthcare sector and how it paves the way for international career opportunities. She also introduced the audience to PEAR Academy’s innovative courses and module-based learning approach, designed to offer comprehensive and flexible learning solutions for test preparation.

In addition to educational insights, the session also shed light on the integrated services provided by PEAR Academy, including visa assistance for immigration, a vital component for candidates looking to work overseas post-certification.

The event concluded with an interactive Q&A session, where students and faculty members engaged in discussions with the PEAR Academy team, gaining deeper understanding and clarity on various aspects of the language tests and the subsequent career pathways.

The information session at DY Patil Nursing College has been a resounding success, marking a pivotal moment in PEAR Academy’s endeavours to bridge the gap between language proficiency and international healthcare careers.

For more information on OET coaching, please contact:

PEAR Academy Australia
Phone:              (+91) 81474 27272

Maharashtra14 News

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